Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Garden Stitching and Joys

Design - "Let's Play in the Dirt"
Designer - Stacy Nash Primitives
Fabric - 32 count Natural linen  
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 13 September 2012
Completed - 13 September 2012

I thought I'd commemorate the Garden Party with a stitch as well as photos.  I love this little Stacy Nash piece.  I changed the color of the watering can to gray as I like old metal watering cans.

For this week's Garden Party I want to share some of my favorite container plants - singles and combinations.

This Hebe "McKean" as stayed lush and pint-sized all summer long.

Sometimes I'm all about the containers.  I love my little glazed-rimmed pots.  Especially now that they have a patina on the clay portion.  Yep, I have my plants on an old beer display - how's that for re-purposing?

I don't know the name of this Sedum, but I so love its calming color and interesting form.

Here's a display of Sempervivums and Sedums.

They reside on the roof of a faux birdhouse.

I planted all the Agaves in a cactus mix.  The great drainage that provides has been very forgiving of my tendency to over-water.

Two new dwarf conifers - both have been happy as can be in containers this summer.  The bright green one is Cupressus macrocarpa "Wilma Goldcrest".

This is one extra-funky Sedum - it's called Sedum sieboldii "Mediovariegatum".

And isn't Sedum "Lidakense" a pretty little thing cascading over the clay pot? Love the blue/gray & rose color combination.

The clear winner this year though is Begonia maculata "Polka Dot".  I'm going to attempt to over-winter it inside to be safe.  We'll see how that works out.

Lastly this Salvia patens "Guanajuato" wins the Performer of the Year award.  It over-wintered outside, unprotected in this large pot.  It took it's time to 'come back', but by mid-May there were signs of life.  The plant began blooming in early July and has never quit - much to my delight and that of my Hummingbirds.

I hope my tour of container plants provided you with a plant or two to try in your own garden next year.


  1. Sweet stitching and lovely garden party
    I love the bird house with plant on the top
    Hugs xxx

  2. The salvia is such a beautiful shade of blue.

  3. Beautiful sedums! Your glazed pots are great colors too. Please feel free to swing by and link up at my Tuesday Greens linky on www.craftygardenmama.com. Enjoy the week!

  4. Great container plants. I am really interested in the Salvia!

  5. Wow--what a gorgeous container plant collection you have, Beth! Love the sedums and sempervivums in particular, but they are all so beautiful.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.