Sunday, September 2, 2012

Followed by Hummingbird Sunday

Yep, another female Rufous Hummingbird.

Mornings seem to be the time to groom and get ready for the day.

With just one outfit, a girl has to make sure she look her best!

From the front...

...and the left...

...and the right! 
Just like using a three-way mirror!


  1. Such a sweet little bird! And speaking of birds I love this month's header. You have so many pieces that I want to stitch -thanks for the inspiration! Have a lovely week!

  2. She is a lovely lady, and posed so sweetly for you. Great header - makes me want to get busy and finish my current bird project!

  3. I do like your new bird themed banner, it looks great. I think that birds are one of my favourites when it comes to what nature has to offer.

  4. Lovely new header, Beth...birds are one of my favorite things to stitch, too. And your hummingbirds are so cute--they look very different than the ones here in PA!

  5. aww lovely new header..
    i love birds too.
    hugs x

  6. I love how the hummers seem to be posing for you!

    Also love your blog header for the month because you know I love birds and flowers!

    Your Old Friends finish is so cute!

  7. What beautiful pictures.
    Liebe Grüße Grit


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.