Friday, August 24, 2012

The Sky is the Limit!

While the Cats have kept me busy, I did manage a bit of stitching on "Old Friends".
Look up!

Who needs television when the sky is playing?
First off - this wonderful pattern of clouds filled the northern sky.

Soon after the clouds were back-lit by the light of the just-setting sun.

The clouds then turned pink as the sun winked out.

And not long after, the thinnest of moons rose in the western sky.


  1. ooOoo! I for one would be cool with pink clouds all the time. ;)

  2. Lovely photos of the sky, I often look upwards and enjoy what I see.

  3. I love this design! I have had it sitting in my stash for years now. Maybe I will get to it someday, I hope! Too many great things to stitch. Not enough time!

  4. I love the Old Friends design -- it's looking so cute! I absolutely love that first pic of the clouds! Wow!!

  5. Aww sweet stitching and cutest photos.
    Hugs xxx

  6. Love this kitty pattern. Also agree about needing TV when the sky is playing. Awesome pictures. I always drunk them in. I don't get out of the house much so I really enjoy your pics of nature.

  7. Not only the beautiful embroidery, but also a beautiful critters! I'm just bichon.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.