Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Back to Bev's Garden

I'm working right along on "Old Friends".  I've finished the wallpaper, and the two cats are stitched.  I'm about half way done with the monstrously large rug!

It's time once again to join the Tuesday Garden Party over at an Oregon Cottage.
I've blogged about this garden before, but like all good gardens, it changes from month to month.  So let's take a look and see what is happening in Bev's garden in late August.

Each time I am there, I see something new and remarkable.
This time it was a cascade of Sempervivums.  Enchanting.

And Bev's garden is awash in Hydrangeas...

Here is Lacecap Hydrangea maresii variegated.

And another Hydrangea - Lacecap Hydrangea "Nightingale".

Oh the color on this Euonymus "americanus"!  Smashing!

I really like this Scabiosa.

Bev has a native Hazelnut as part of her garden.

Late August is 'Astilbe Time' in her garden. 

No flower, but how can you beat the color of this Blue Spruce?!?

I hope you enjoyed today's garden tour.


  1. That rug might be large, but it surely looks great. Love it. Love those two cats too.
    Bev's garden is very beautiful.

  2. Adorable kitties, gorgeous garden!

  3. Hi Beth - is everything all right? I havn't heard from you and was wondering if you got my email - Amanda

  4. The succulents in that urn are just amazing, Beth! What a lovely garden.

  5. Thanks for sharing another walk through the flowers. I wish my Astilbes were still blooming. Mine bloom in June.

    Can't wait to see your finished "Old Friends" piece.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.