Sunday, July 22, 2012

Now the Bunnies Demand Equal Time

The bunnies felt Saturday's post was too avian in nature. 

They demanded equal time.

Just look at that face!  How could I say no no?

Alert bunny.

Daisy-hat wearing bunny.

Charming bunny.

Dandelion-munching bunny.

Bunny on the move.

Bunny and Gray Squirrel.

Bunny and Quail - Bunny is hogging the patch of dirt used by both for 'dust baths'.

Stubborn bunny - won't share the 'dust bath patch'.


  1. These photos brought a smile to my face Beth, especially the daisy image - very cute.

  2. Cute little bunny pictures. We have a couple of brown ones bouncing around our back yard - should try to photo them...

  3. The bunnies look so sweet. You always share such great pictures!

  4. Hi Beth, Those pictures made me smile!!

  5. The bunnies are so cute. I like your latest stitching piece. Beautiful land you live on.

  6. Bunnies and Birds that is great pictures thanks.


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