Thursday, July 12, 2012

My County Stitch My Country Home

Design - "My Country" (limited edition kit)
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 32 count Confederate Gray Zweigart linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started -  July 2012
Completed - 11 July 2012

I am on a roll with my patriotic stitching.  I'm having so much fun.  I've got something like 10 more patterns I'd like to do.  We'll have to see what time will allow.
Summer has truly arrived in western Oregon.

I'm getting up early to keep an eye on the cats.  A side benefit has been some lovely sunrises.

By mid-morning the heat has gotten to the cats and they flop out in the shade of the Front Porch. 

This is the time of year that everyone comes by to drink out of the bird baths...including the deer.

The hummingbirds need water too.

They prefer to perch atop our two fountains and drink from the small pools there.

We've had loads of Flicker action lately. I have to believe I'm seeing "Flicker Families". This tree has two birds - the adult on top, the fledgling below.

We had lots of Evening Grosbeaks at the feeders Tuesday morning.  I keep waiting for them to move on up into the Cascades for the remainder of the summer.  Thus far no sign of that happening.  Instead the babies are still begging - successfully too!

We've had some pretty sunsets.  This time of year the storm clouds build up along the mountains to the east.  We can see them, but do not get the storms associated with them. 


  1. Can I have your porch? lol! Love the cute finish. Love anything to do with the sea. :D

  2. What a lovely finish! Look at all that great wildlife!!!!

  3. Great stitching and pics. You have been TAGGED! Check out my post.

  4. Lovely skies and I just love the photo of the baby being fed.

  5. Beth, I do love your patriotic finishes!! What do you do with them? Do you have a bowl like Carol? They are so cute. I'm not great at finishing. That's why I like bigger things.

  6. I'm loving the patriotic finishes you're working on, Beth--this one is darling. I have about 10 lined up myself for the month--will probably only get to about 5 or 6, though...

    Lovely feathered and furry friends you have there :)

  7. Wow! You really are on a role. Another great one!!


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