Friday, July 20, 2012

A Stitch and A Garden

Design - "Land That I Love"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 30 cnt Natural linen
Fibers - WDW & Whisper - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 17 July 2012
Almost Completed - 19 July 2012

Yep - I have eight more stitches to complete this baby.  I ran out of WDW 'Deep Sea' before finishing up the 'e' in 'Love'.  Darn it!  Off to my LNS I go, and I'll add this to the list of projects to re-post when really complete with beads and/or charms, etc.   

I thought I'd share another garden from the Cottage Grove Garden Tour.

This was an especially lovely garden - much of it under a canopy of magnificent old trees.

The gardeners first saw this structure at the Seattle Garden Show in February.  It is made entirely of recycled products - even the door handle.  They were charmed and had one build for their garden.   

Here's one of the venerable trees I mentioned.

Lots of great garden art too in this garden... well as lots of wonderful plants.

I was amused to see this crow had a marble in is mouth as crows are noted for stealing shiny things. 

How cute is this watering can? 

This was a reminder that shade gardens can have color too.

While this is a 'loud' rooster, at least he won't wake you up at the crack of dawn!  Now I need to go outside and water the Front Porch and Back Patio plants as warm weather has returned.  

We had a thunderstorm last evening from about 7:30-8:15pm.  The sky got black and then lightening and thunder arrived.  The storm moved in from the east - very unusual as most of our weather comes from the west.  The storm ended with five minutes or so of hard rain.  Now the air is fresh and clean and the land has received a much needed drink of water.   


  1. Lovely finish and I love the garden! The potting shed/green house is sooooo adorable!


  2. Love the small shed out of recycled windows and door. Want one for my garden it is adorable. Wish my husband was alive that would be a project for him. Oh the Friday wishes. Love your cross stitch I have the Pop L*K design done but can not find the pattern to finish where the beads go at the top of the firecrackers.
    Keep Stitching

  3. Gosh not even a good dig through your orts could find a piece big enough to finish that last letter? How frustrating!

  4. Gorgeous garden. Bummer on the floss.

  5. I stitched that particular design as a gift, many years ago. I think it was my first ever introduction to Lizzie Kate. The weather seems to be haywire all over the world at the moment. I'm convinced it's a result of the Hadron Collider in Switzerland. I am a great believer than we shouldn't interfere with Nature.

  6. oooo that's awful running out of thread right near the end .... and how cute is that watering can :)

    love the wee house too .... we are hoping for some sunshine this weekend fingers crossed :)
    hope you are the furbabies are well ... catching up with every one slowly :) love mouse xxxxx

  7. What a shame about the floss, Beth!! I just hope the new stuff matches well enough... Your "almost finish" looks great and reminds me that I have mine just waiting to be finish/finished in my drawer of finishes. It's "only" been sitting there since 2009!! Maybe I'll pull it out and get it done next week :)

    We finally got some rain this week, although still not a lot. At least the temperature right now is a wonderful 70 degrees!

  8. That is so annoying when you run out of floss with only a few stitches to go. I've been known to dig through my orts to try and scavenge enough to finish. Great little design, and it will be nice on your July header for next year!

  9. What a lovely garden! I love that shed of recycled materials. Can you imagine sitting there while it's raining outside? I think that would be really neat...provided that the shed doesn't leak! ;-)

  10. Another lovely garden. :)

    That smarts - being sooooooooooo close to finishing and running out. Argh!!!!!!

  11. Oh, don't you just hate that? Running out of threads like that :( Beautiful design though.

    Love that garden shed. How charming! Intriguing garden decorations too.


  12. I love your design, the little sheeps are very cute!
    Kisses from France.

  13. Land that I Love! I LIKE IT.Thanks for sharing the pictures. Keep up the good work.


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