Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stitching and Strolling

My fabric arrived, so I've kitted up "Banded Bee Skep".  Each band of the hive is a different stitch, so this should be interesting (and challenging) to work on.

I don't know how Wednesday rolled around so quickly once again.  Fortunately the rain has ended, so there is no need for wellies and brollies today. 
Let's walk! 

It's late June and the Daisies are a dominate force in the meadows. 

I have a soft spot for grasses too - it is amazing how many different kinds there are - each with a unique seed head.

And we can't pick Blackberries in August unless they bloom in June.

Our wilding apple tree has set some fruit.

High up on a sunny bank I found this aptly named wildflower.  It is called Oregon Sunshine (Eriophyllum lanatum).  It grows in many habitats, most often in dry lands with sandy or rocky soils.  It's on dry, rocky soil here.    

The Pacific Ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus) is about done blooming.  I like the contrast of the red spent blossoms with the white.

In contrast with the Ninebark, Douglas' Spiraea (Spiraea douglasii) is just now coming into bloom. 

I was surprise to see the bright blue of a Bachelor's Button (Centaurea cyanus) happily growing in the ditch along side the road.  Though it is considered a noxious weed, I like it!

The cherry trees are setting fruit - I'm finding pits already near some of the bird baths.

I found another nice group of Blue Dicks (Dichelostemma capitatum) in one of our meadows.

There's a new crop of Oak Apple Galls too.  The gall wasps have been busy this Spring.  You can read more about Galls in this post.

I've saved the best for last.  I found a group of over a dozen Columbia Lilies (Lilium columbianum).  They are a wonderfully bright orange tiger lily.  The deer love to eat them, so it's rare to see them in bloom.  Sharp eyes will notice this plant is surrounded by Poison Oak!  I think of lilies as sun-lovers, but these plants were in deep shade.

That's it for today's walk - our next walk will take place in July - wow! 


  1. Hi! Beth

    Your stitching is looking fabulous and neat stuff
    And I always love the other photo's too, always so pretty

  2. I do like your new stitch, the colours look good and it's nice to work on a variety of stitches. It keeps things interesting. I love the daisies and those lilies are just gorgeous. They are such an unusual shape and the colour is so pretty.

  3. Love the Columbia Lilies. It is funny that you have had many flowers way before us here in KY, but we have been harvesting blackberries for a couple of weeks. Nature sure has her own way of doing things.

  4. Can't wait to see the progress on Bee Skep...looks like a fun one. What a lovely walk to take so early in the morning :o) Thanks!

  5. The flowers are so pretty. I LOVE that bee skep - I enjoy doing different decorative stitches and this one really shows them off. I think this would be lots of fun to stitch up. Happy stitching-

  6. Beth, I can't wait to see how all those stitches come out. I'm always just bit nervous when it comes to other stitches. The walk was so pretty with those lovely wild flowers!!! Thank you !

  7. Loved our last walk of June--still can't believe how quickly this year seems to be going!!

  8. The banded Bee Skep looks like its going to be a lot of fun! You won't get bored with all the different stitches.

  9. Your stitching looks great!

    I love all the flowers too. What kind of camera do you use to get such great shots (and avoid the poison oak)?

  10. This bee skep chart is so nice. Have fun stitching it! Glad you've got a little bit more sun. Lovely pics of all the plants.


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