Monday, June 25, 2012

Random Thoughts of Monday

I have been neglecting "Random Thoughts of Spring" as of late. Now it's Summer, and according to my (younger) sister, that makes this an "Unseasonal Stitch".  Nonetheless, this weekend I returned to work on 'Spring' again.  I frogged out and restitched the large carnation, and finished up most of the motifs.  The right side of the piece has the world 'blarney' and that does not thrill me, I'm thinking of changing it to 'verdant'.

Rain or shine, Padma and Tom-Cat enjoy being outside.

Doesn't this Grosbeak pair look inquisitive?

This is my newest Mystery Bird.  I'm pretty sure he is a Lesser Goldfinch.  He certainly loves eating my Niger thistle.

I've not had alot of hawk sightings and that is good news.  Sunday my sister and father reported seeing the first group of baby California Quail, and they'd be easy targets for a hawk. 

I did see this handsome young fellow (and his equally handsome friend - not pictured).  My sister has seen a doe with very small, very young spotted twin fawns.  I'll post pictures of quail and fawns as soon as I am able. 


  1. Beautiful buck. I think verdant would be very nice. :)

  2. Love your stitching! Love the wildlife too -- what a beautiful deer!

  3. oooo think verdant will be perfect :)
    love the photos as always and looking forward to seeing the babies :) love mouse xxxx

  4. You have the best gardens -- both stitching and..... err... actual. :)

  5. What a lovely design! I'd change blarney, as well, though. It just doesn't fit!

  6. I do love those wildlife pictures!! As for the block, it is very pretty I agree with you verdant is a much better word! I love the shade of green!

  7. I like spring, and decided that this year I am going to keep stitching all that I chose, even if it is off-season! Your Spring piece looks great!C Hugs!


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