Friday, June 22, 2012

Fat Cat Friday

Here's my progress on "Summer Bee Sampler".

My fiercest critics (the Cats) have criticized me of late - Too Much Bird Blogging - or so they yowl say!
  In an effort to pacify them, here is a picture-heavy post titled Fat Cat Friday - I meant to say - The Cats of Clos du Bois.
Parvati, Tom-Cat, and Padma

Padma (he's had surgery on both ears and now neither one will stand up straight).


Testosterone - Tom-Cat and Padma







Padma - crinkled ears

Gosh - Padma again!

Parvati Princess




Solomon - a true brick-red Tiger Cat

Tom-Cat a 1 and 3/4 eared Orange Tiger

Parvati - it's tough being a girl with three other guy cats around!


  1. :) I find Tom-Cat's coat to be the most stunning. I cannot help looking at your crew Beth, and thinking how small Mabel might seem. She is 10 lbs. ♥

  2. Love your WIP! And your cats -- so cute! I love the one with the three of them snoozing on the chairs side by side! lol!

  3. Just catching up on your posts for the past week (I was away), Beth. Boy, you've been busy!! Great finishes and this new start looks very cute (love that handsome bee!).

    I guess I didn't realize you had four cats until I read this post. Lucky you! It was 5 years ago this month that my dear Shadow died and I miss him every day. No more cats for us due to husband's allergies :(

  4. I love all those fat orange cats. They are beautiful!

  5. Good progress on your Summer Bee Sampler. Your orange cats are just gorgeous! Their fur looks so soft and cuddly :)


  6. My favourite kind of post - CATS!
    I love the bee in the sampler, who's the designer, it's not one I recognise.

  7. What a lovely post. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your gorgeous cats.

    Hugs Janine

  8. Looks like those cats have a rough life! That's kind of the type of afternoon I'm going to treat myself to today!

  9. Your cats are lovely. It makes my nose itch a little thinking about all that fur though, they all have such beautiful fluffy coats.

  10. Oh thanks god! At last I understood how many cats you have! ( I have doubt about my brain limitation (: )

    I wonder what are the meaning of Parvati and Padma?

    Summer Bee sampler is coming along so beautifully by the way!

  11. ooooo love you new bee sampler .. gorgeous and awwwwwww puddiecats ...they are all gorgeous and such personality's they have too :) love mouse xxxx

  12. I love your WIP can't wait to see more of it! Those cats are so cute!! They must have lots of patience to have all those birds around!

  13. I love your babies, They seem to know who's boss and it is they.
    Have a great weekend, Ginger

  14. Am loving the look of your Summer Sampler - am feeling tempted to buy the chart myself - love all your georgeous fluffy pussycats:)

  15. Summer Bee is looking great, and I love all the feline pics. Let the cats know I was just at the zoo today showing an out of town friend around, and I saw lots of their bigger relatives! We even have some jaguar cubs, I just couldn't get very good pictures of them.

  16. Your Summer Bee Sampler looks really cute. The cats look very comfy and chillin'.

  17. Awwwww! What a bunch of foofy felines. I've always wanted a ginger kitty. One day! (I seem to be stuck on Himalayans at the moment. lol)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.