Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Update Time

I have finished the border on "Noah's Sampler".  I also managed to finish the alphabet.  I am now working on the two willow trees, and then it's on to the Ark - at last!

It's Garden Party Time over at An Oregon Cottage:
Let's take a look at the Back Patio.  It's in pretty good shape now.

I puttered around outside on and off during the three day weekend.
I got my 'Red Neck Plant Stand' all staged.  My father spiffed it up for me; he tore out the warped particle board, then cut and nailed new wooden slats to help with water drainage.

The Auriculas, Begonias, and Fuchsias are in a shaded nook.

My Sedum Theater

More Sedums and Sempervivums

Back to the Shaded Nook.  With our mild May temperatures, I still have a few Pansies and Primrose going strong.

My Strawberry pots.  Dirt on the Patio courtesy of the Chipmunk Brigade.

Salvias and Agastaches

The Big Guys
Other than the Sweet Potato Vine, most everything else over-wintered.

Behind Bars!
Lilies and Dianthus in a deer-proof home

I also brought some semblance of order to my Potting Bench.
It looks much better now - I actually have room to pot up something.  Good thing I'm visiting a couple of nurseries on Saturday!


  1. I like your WIP so far! And wow, your gardening efforts have paid off -- looks wonderful!

  2. Everything looks so neat and orderly - well done. I look forward to seeing the ark.

  3. Lovely garden and great progress on the stitching!

  4. Your plants are looking great. I especially like your strawberry pots and sedum.

    Yes, I seem to have those same little dirt messes on my front sidewalk all the time, also courtesy of the chipmunk brigade. Don't know what in the world those little guys are up to lately.


  5. Ahhh your gardening efforts are paying off - everything looks great! I need a potting bench like that!

  6. What a lot of potted pots! Everything looks great.

  7. Your back porch looks like my deck.. I love plants and have so many in pots along with whats growing out in the yard.. Love your porch and how neat it is.. can you come organize mine..lol
    Nice shots

  8. Your container garden is beautiful, and the succulent theatre very inspirational to me! I have become very taken with succulents of late, and I've added a few more to our garden this year. They are so pretty when featured in containers the way you do it!

  9. Love your wip! Look forward to seeing more.

  10. Your yard is looking wonderful! Your work is paying off!! I do love the border on Noah's Ark. I think I may have to make that one. I gave away my only Noah's Ark project-to my Grandson so well worth it!

  11. You're speaking my language. Sedums are one of my favorite types of plants!

  12. Wow, that's a lot of pots to water. I used to do more but they tied me down to staying home so now just a few big ones. Enjoyed looking at all the containers and plants you put in them.

  13. You amaze me with the number and variety of plants you have growing on your back patio, Beth! Everything looks so healthy and pretty--you obviously have that proverbial "Green Thumb" going for you :)

    Noah is looking great--saved the best for last, I see (the Ark!)...

  14. Your pots look great - and I am sewing that Noah's Ark too - right now! - I did the ark first, and am now doing the alphabet border! Must update my blog, and will show you! Have a good weekend.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.