Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Part is Done

I got inspired yesterday and designed a peacock to place a top the Drawn Thread's "Button Tree".  I also changed the color of the two birds at the base from cream to red.  Now I need to get this to my Aunt so that she can attach bird buttons to the branches.  I'm anxious to see what it looks like when she has done her part. 

We are going through a period of gray, rainy days.  Tuesday and Wednesday left about 0.75" of rain.  Not much rain yesterday, but a cold, blustery day.  Today the rain is to return once again.  Padma suggests it might be a good day for a long Cat Nap.

While he is sleeping we can look at some birds...  

My latest Quail count - five couples.  It will be interesting to see if they all nest and how many hatchlings each pair has. 

I've counted as many as ten male Evening Grosbeaks.  They seem to mostly be paired up with a female companion. 

I think they are such handsome birds and they have a happy "chirr" as they talk to one another.

The Scrub Jays are paired up too.  In a month or so we'll be all about baby birds around here. 

Solomon took his brother's advise - Cat Nap Time!


  1. Love what you've got done so far. I can't wait to see what it looks like with the buttons. Don't you just love that little feather on top of a quail's head?!

  2. ooo Beth I like that, it looks good! Beautiful and sweet♥ pictures.

  3. Love what you did with the tree! Can't wait to see the finish.

    Your bird pix are great, as always. Birds I certainly don't see in my backyard.

    Great cat rainy day pix, too. Wish you could send some rain our way. We are begging for it!


  4. Beth, I love the way you embellished that tree! Solomon and Padma are very smart animals. I feel like our plants and everything have been put in a refrigerator and are just waiting for some warm sunshine to really get going. We are in the 40-50's! with clouds and rain!

  5. Awww, I love your kitties. They remind me of my Julius (orange tabby).

    Your button tree looks great, even button-less!

    Nice to see the birds too. The weather is supposed to get sunnier for us starting tomorrow so hopefully you guys will get the same soon! I can't wait to get back into the garden!

  6. Your cats do know how to relax - if only we humans could do the same.

  7. I love what you did with Button Tree! The peacock is awesome. =) And the red birds also brighten it up.

  8. Love that peacock and those red birds! You did say May was all about stitching peacocks, right?

    I'm with your kitties - nap time!

  9. I love your idea of adding the peacock. Looking forward to seeing this one with the buttons attached.

  10. The peacock is a wonderful addition to your button tree, Beth. Hope you post another photo of it after your aunt attaches the bird buttons :)

    I wish I could see a quail--how elegant and proud they look!

  11. Love the changes!! It looks fab. :)


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