Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday is Here!

No time (or energy) for stitching yesterday.  We were all about Power Washing!  I was part of a three person crew.  My Father did most of the heavy washing, while my Mom and I kept hoses in order.  I also handled the final rinsing spray.  We began about 9:30am and finished up at 3:30pm, with a short lunch break.  All the walkways are done, as is the Back Patio.  It was a long day.  The only thing left to clean is the Front Porch, and we should be able to crank out in 90 minutes or so.

Wednesday Padma did a little Nature Watching. 
He spotted this doe as she walked by the Back Porch.

I found this pretty Mallard lazily swimming in the Quarry Pond.  As I watched, he tucked his head under his wing and took a late morning nap. 

Padma also enjoys watching the Scrub Jays greedily devour the stale bread I set out for them.  The game is "How Many Pieces Can You Stuff in Your Beak...and Still Fly?" 

The last couple of days a Sapsucker has delighted in 'rat-a-tat-tating' on our metal gutters.  Apparently it makes a most pleasing sound!

I hope to finish up Power Washing mid-morning.  Then...oh yeah.  I have to move my many plants back into place on the Front Porch and Back Patio.  I need Garden Staff!


  1. Definitely sounds like tiring work! I love all the birds and the deer around your house. Lovely!

  2. I think you have a full time job on your hands - sounds like you enjoy it though. I always think that the flash of colour on the mallards neck is lovely.

  3. oooo hope all the cleaning is done ... gorgeous walks you've been on too ...well done on the stitching front ... catching up all on one post love mouse xxxxx

  4. Great job getting all that work done!! It is just that time of year!


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