Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Chickens and Gardening

It's May Day!  Time for a new stitching theme.  I've picked this Angel Stitchin' kit, "Country Chicken" as my first May project.  You may have noticed I have a new header too.  I'll share the details tomorrow.
Spring waits for no woman! 
Let's see what's going on here and with the other contributors to The Garden Party over at An Oregon Cottage

About three years ago, my sister gave this lovely Crabapple to our Mom on Mother's Day.  It's called "Royal Raindrops" and it is loaded with buds.

Everyone one needs a Garden Helper, right?
Parvati took it upon herself to act as mine.

I spent part of Sunday and Monday emptying my little greenhouse. Now all it has are 6 small pepper plants (my sister's) and 4 hot house begonias.

First up my tender succulents.  They all over-wintered well, and are outside adjusting to spring temperatures and weather.
Next up a group of tender Fuchsias.  I had 24 Fuchsias, and 20 survived - 83%.  The 4 that did not make it were all on the top shelf of the greenhouse.  I don't know if that is symptomatic - a temperature or watering issue perhaps.  I do know that this winter I used a watering wand.  That was a tremendous help getting back in tight corners and making sure that everything got watered. 

These are my "Big Seven" Fuchsias . I had a much better survival rate this year than last.  I give credit to the watering wand.  Now I need to eradicate white fly on a few of the plants.  Any suggestions? 
Some of my Hostas have come back to full force already.
This is "June".

This is "Popcorn".

This is "Little Wonder".

This is "Winsome".
I still need to add some time release fertilizer and a bit of mulch to refresh the plants in pots. 

Here's the latest photo of Muscari "Fantasy Creation".

My pot of Muscari "Ocean Magic".  I love the light blue color.

This is the Clematis "Early Sensation". One week later it as gone from buds to blossom.  I have this growing in a large pot on a small trellis - about 4' tall in the shade of our Front Porch.  

All that tidying up required a reward.  A flat of new plants - just the ticket!  I got three Belarina Primroses (front), a couple of Fuchsias, and a striking Primula veris 'Sunset Shades' (back left) as well as 2 basic Primula veris (back center).  I well remember the first time I saw wild Primula veris along the bank of a lake in Ireland - stunning!  Nicola at Stitching by the Cornish Sea just posted pictures of her son's wedding including a lovely photo of the primrose strewn churchyard with the wedding party - take a look!  

Well, that was exhausting. It's Nap Time!


  1. I so LOVE the crabapple trees. :)

  2. I love the blues of the muscari! Beautiful!

  3. Lovely new header, the peacock theme is very appealing. I share your love of birds. The chicken design looks like fun.

  4. Lovely, lovely, lovely. Thanks for sharing.


  5. That crabapple is AMAZING. I love the color. I don't know that I've ever seen one that's such a dark lovely pink. Of course, it's very possible I saw one from afar and said, "Oooo, I wonder what that is!" =) Your hostas look awesome!

  6. Your crabapple blossoms are amazing! Lots of wonderful bulbs and plants. I just love June hostas. They are one of my favorite! Your kitty looks so sweet in the wagon. Happy gardening!

  7. Your pictures this week are lovely--thank you for sharing them with us! And I like your new header for the blog, and always enjoy seeing the kitty pictures--I have three "helpers" as well, although they are indoor helpers. The crabapple blossoms are just gorgeous--this one is a darker pink than mine. And those light blue grape hyacinth--now I will be looking for those to add to my garden! I also love the combination of the green and yellow hosta leaves in the blue containers--very pretty!

  8. I do love those light blue Muscari! ;-) The crab is gorgeous. I love to get succulents for in the house, but eventually my black thumb wins. 8-( We'll have to discuss that some day.

    Interesting batch of peacocks. I never understood why there were so many in cross stitch, but must admit that I have now stitched a few.

    Happy First Day of May!

  9. The Ocean Magic ones are fantastic!

  10. The new header looks great!! I look forward to seeing your new headers! I do love seeing all those plants. You are a bit ahead of us. My hostas are still bumps in the ground. Love that clematis!! The crab apple too!

  11. oooo gorgeous flowers on your apple tree and love how you plants are now blooming with spring .... mmm white fly.. spray plants with watered down washing up liquid should stop them from being able to move and breed as sticky ... similar to what you would do with green fly ...
    recognise some of those peacocks :) love mouse xxxxxx

  12. Love that chicken chart. It will look most beautiful. Looking forward to see it stitched up.
    Love your crabapple tree. And also all the plants growing. Wish we were in Spring right now.

  13. I love the new header! Well, I also love the pics of your helper, your plants, the crabapple tree... Can't help with the white flies though.

    I love that your hosta plants are in pots. I have about 50 different varieties in the ground and we've had such summer like weather that the hostas are big and beautiful like they would be in June.

  14. Chicken! GREAT theme! I especially love the speckled ones.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.