Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Brown Bunny Amongst the Green

Design - "Brown Bunny"
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 32 count Wichelt Cream linen 
Fibers-Anchor - 1 thread over 2 strands
Started - 27 April 2012
Finished - 2 May 2012

I enjoyed this monochromatic stitch - even the 'over one'.

While the stitch is brown, outside everything is SO green!  Let me show you...

Fresh green leaves are overcoming the gray moss.

I tend to think that only 'ornamental' or fruit trees bloom, but that is not the case.  The Big Leaf Maples are in full bloom.  

The hanging blooms are quite pretty, and are a food source for several different kinds of birds.

The Hawthorne is leafing out.  It should be blossoming in a month or so.  

The Pacific Ninebark is also leafing out, and buds are forming too.

Brand new Vine Maple leaves are crinkled and folded.

The Vine Maple has a pretty red blossom.  I'll bet the hummingbirds make a bee-line for it.

I like the contrast of the bright green Vine Maple leaves, and the dark green moss-covered rocks in the creek.

The Corn Lilies are such tremendous structural plants.

The Fragrant Fringecup (Tellima grandiflora) is everywhere, though not yet on bloom.

Wild Lupins - they'll be June performers.

I'm trying to decide if this is Hemp or Salal.  When it blooms I can figure it out for sure. 

Fiddle sticks - I mean Fiddle heads!  The new Sword Fern fronds are very cool.

And the Bracken Fern fronds are interesting too.

Out of nowhere it seems, the Blackberry vines are lush with new growth.  Does that portend a good crop of berries this Fall? 

The Scouring Rush are growing straight and tall.

So many shades of green!


  1. Inspired by your photos about how I can use my imagination related with green color scale during creation a new nature pattern.

    Thank you for sharing.


  2. Congratulations on finishing brown bunny...that's a really cute one I haven't seen. I feel like I learn a lot from every post of yours! I now know I saw some maple blossoms earlier this year while walking through the Botanical Gardens! =)

  3. Pretty pictures! I love all the green right now. We had lots of rain this week and everything is very lush- even the weeds look good- LOL! Cute little brown bunny. A monochromatic piece is a nice change of pace every now and then.

  4. Love your brown bunny. You've reminded me I've this one lurking in my stash somewhere! What pretty pictures. Isn't it lovely to see everything bursting into life again.

  5. Hi Beth, I think I'm going to have to get that brown bunny chart! So cute! That was a lovely "green" walk!

  6. Love the brown bunny! Congrats on the finish too.

    I've never been to Oregon and your pics sure make it look nice. This is my favorite time of year. It's so fun to watch all the new growth.

  7. I love your Brown Bunny finish. The colour you used is just perfect. Did you pick it or is it charted that way?


  8. Oh, is that cute, Beth! I'll have to remember that chart to stitch for my bowl of bunnies next year :)

    Wow--things sure are green over your way. I'm up in NY now at my parents' and am surprised that the leaves on their trees still aren't out very much. They are way behind us in Pittsburgh...

  9. Spring, glorious spring! Love the bunny, enjoy the peacoks, miss Noah Arks!
    Hum!! Nap time! How joyfull!!

  10. Love the bunny & your garden photos are beautiful ;)


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