Thursday, May 31, 2012

Birds, Birds, Birds

More Chickens in my coop!
I'm 2/3 of the way done with "Chicken Sampler".  As I stitch each new chicken with its unique color combination becomes my favorite.

While taking pictures for my Wednesday Walk post, I observed a few critters out and about...

This Wren was almost hidden in foliage.

One Pond Turtle basked upon a log.

My Mallard quietly floated along.

On my return home I saw...

Mrs. Violet-Green Swallow has set up housekeeping.

Mr. Violet-Green Swallow ruffles his feathers... 

...and then settles down to keep watch.

A Quail Couple on the move!

"Did you bring anything special today, Lady?"


"Just strolling by...not looking at all the plants on the Back Patio...I promise!"


  1. Your chickens are so cute! Love all the wildlife too.

  2. Your chickens are so cute!!! I Love all the wildlife you have..

  3. Your chickens look great and I just love wrens, they are such tiny birds. We sometimes see them in our back garden but they are so small and move so quickly it's hard to catch sight of them.

  4. Love the chickens! And I don't believe the deer for a minute. She was definitely checking out the patio for a snack- LOL!

  5. Thanks for taking us on the walk with all the critters! Your chickens are adorable!

  6. Another wonderful post with cheerful chickens and colorful animals! Thank you for sharing...

  7. Such a funky bunch of chickens! They really are cute :) As always, your nature photos amaze me, Beth--love that turtle getting a tan!

  8. I have a thing for chickens and yours are so cute!

    Thanks for sharing the wildlife pics too. If I lived where you live, I don't think I'd ever get any work done.

  9. Hi Beth, I love those chickens!!!As usual, your outdoor shots are so pretty. I love the swallows.

  10. oh I do love your little chickens the colours are so bright and cheerful

    lovely wildlife pics too :)

  11. I love all the bright colors in this piece! They go perfectly with the green bird house. lol

  12. beautiful spring!


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