Monday, April 16, 2012

Wildflower Wishes

I did not get much stitching done as the weekend weather was conducive to Outdoor Activities.  I did begin to stitch another Ark.  This one from Designs by Charlotte.

Often I find gardening inspiration in Nature...

This little chickadee waited patiently to see if my sister was going to refill the bird feeder in her Dahlia garden... 

...while I admired this; our wild Fawn lily (Erythronium oregonum)...

...which led me to purchase this one - Erythronium revolutum.  It has a wonderful pink blossom.
My Wildflower Mission for this year includes finding patch of wild Lady's Slippers, a small orchid (Calypso bulbosa var.occidentalis) that thrives in the moss of duff of the forest.

I earlier spoke of our mottled leaf Trillium (Trillium parviflorum)...

...which led me to purchase this burgundy Trillium 'volcano'.  What a glorious blossom!

"Hurry up with the bird seed Lady!"


  1. Hey Beth! I have a birdhouse that nary a bird has made a nest and raised chicks in ever. It seems that a chickadee couple is going to stay we hope. The dumb sparrows keep scaring them though.

  2. oooo well done on your purchases ..
    and your new start too :) love mouse xxxxx

  3. Oh, that Lady's Slipper is awesome! I'd go nuts if I found that walking through the woods! I love the Fawn lily, too.

    Those chickadees sure are pushy, aren't they? =) They should be called "cheekadees".

  4. I think the chickadees are so darn cute and happy...and brave! Great pix as usual. Pretty woodsy flowers, too.


  5. You are so inspirational!! I have a small area that I might try to do wild flowers!We have mostly sun so I have to be careful. The woods begin at the back of our lot so maybe back there?

  6. What a pretty new plant purchase. The blossom is so dainty! Nice stitching, too!

  7. Love waking up to your posts everyday. My favorite birdie ...I had to download both pics. Beautiful here this morning in Indiana. Hope you have a blessed day.


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