Sunday, April 29, 2012

Saturday Hodgepodge

Well I frogged the flower and the heart, and managed to stitch a bit more of "Brown Bunny".  Now I have lots of 'over one' and eyelet stitches and Rhodes stitches to do.

If I was thematic, now I'd share bunny pictures...but my bunnies have been AWOL the last few days.  So how about a miscellany of photos?

We'll call them: The Best of Sunny Saturday

Evening Grosbeaks should be called Morning Grosbeaks as they are most active then.  I love waking to the sound of their clear, sharp "churrs" as they gather in the Maples trees.  

The wild Iris are beginning to come into their own.  That means for the next couple of weeks I'll post far too many Iris photos.

The forest is a light with the white blossoms of the wild cherries.

Our Big Creek burbles along.

Saturday morning found this female Mallard in the Quarry Pond.  She talked and talked and talked - but no other duck ever showed up.

See, I told 'ya - three turtles in the Quarry Pond.

And the ubiquitous Chipmunk!

Hope you have a productive and enjoyable Sunday.  
I need to empty the plants out of the greenhouse.  I'm sure I'll have lots of cat help with this project. 


  1. Ooh, sunny Saturday was beautiful, indeed. The bunnies don't know what they missed!

  2. I love all the wildlife photos, so cute.

  3. Love that brown bunny!! As usual, your outdoor photos are wonderful!! I'll start looking for the wild iris. It's been so cool and cloudy that spring has slowed down a bit!

  4. Hi!! I am back, and like I said--saved the best for last! Only have about 9 more of your posts to read! I love your stitching, but don't know what went wrong cause I am reading these backwards! Ugh! Will try to get some vacay pics on my blog soon! Hugs!

  5. That is such a cute piece, Beth! I've never seen it before... sorry about the frog, but at least it wasn't a huge area...

    Those turtles are so cute sunning themselves on the log :) Looks like lots of happy animals on sunny Sunday!


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