Sunday, April 1, 2012

Gopher Wood for Sale?

A new month, a new Blog Header.

This header is especially appropriate given all our recent heavy rains.  Our March average is 4.99".  We had over 10.04" this past month  - that includes 1.15" on the 29th and 1.08" on the 30th. So yes, it's been Ark Building Weather around here!

Here are the details:

Row One: Shepherd's Bush, "The Promise" - the bottom 1/2 of the finished sampler,  The Artist's Collection, "Noah and Company - The Ark", The Cricket Collection, "Noah's Mitten", Shepherd's Bush, "The Promise" - the top 1/2 of the finished sampler, Sisters & Best Friends, "Two by Two".  

Row Two: Barrick Samplers, "A Weeping and a Blessing",  The Cricket Collection, "Noah's Umbrella Clause" (freebie), The Cricket Collection, "Quilter's Ark", Better Homes and Gardens Prize Winning Mini Samplers, "Noah's Colonial Ark",  The Cricket Collection, "Noah's Ark". 


  1. Really nice! I hear you on the rain, it's been solid the last couple days. I guess they don't call it the "wet" coast for nothing!

  2. Love your new blog header!! It must be a Noah's Ark month for you.

  3. Beth, your header is wonderful! I love Noah's Ark designs, mainly because I love the story and love wildlife so much. I can't wait until you post your header so I can see more of the details. What an awesome selection. Fabulous work!

  4. Wow, I forgot that today would mean a new header! You are so good about that. Couldn't figure it out at first...thanks for the explanation. You have a lot of great pieces stitched.


  5. Wow! That is a lot of rain--no wonder you have to many cute water themed stitchings in your new header, Beth. They look great!! Love the one in the lower left--really lovely piece!

  6. Awesome Elisabeth. I love looking at your headers.

  7. I am LOVING Noah's Colonial Ark!! :)

  8. I love your new header, Noah designs are so appealing. That combined with lots of Cross Eyed Cricket makes it one of my favourites.

  9. another month, another great header! Love the Noah's ark theme - very appropriate for all the precipitation you've been having. Hope the week brings some sunny dry days too!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.