Saturday, April 14, 2012

Feeling Squirrely!

I know lots of people have a "Love/Hate" relationship with squirrels, especially the big Gray Squirrels.  

But as they've been AWOL for most of the winter, I was glad to have this guy show up.

As with most grays, he was not bashful...

In fact, he was begging!

For all the chipmunk carnage (from the 2 Outdoor Cats), the gray squirrels go unmolested.

And you've got to admire their determination!


  1. They're certainly cheeky little chaps but I have mixed feelings about them with what's happened to the red squirrels over here.

  2. While I know that squirrels are really only rats with a better fur coat I can't help but love them. I always feed them and the birds and they always attach themselves to my "squirrel proof" feeders and I so enjoy watching them eating upside down. Oh to be so flexible - LOL!

  3. I have one that begs at the back door too! They sure are your pictures!!

  4. My husband is at war with this poor little squirrel that comes to the bird feeder.

  5. How hilarious. Reminds me of the squirrel that graces my yard. A little 'unafraid' at times. I am waiting for him to knock on the back door and ask for some mixed nuts or cashew's.

  6. I think they are cute but I won't tell you what my husband does with the ones who go after the feeders on the deck. 0_o (Anywhere else on the property he leaves them alone though.)

  7. SQUIRREL!!!! I'm very behind in blog reading, but this guy made my day. I only have a "love" relationship with squirrels. =)


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