Thursday, April 26, 2012

Ark Flotilla and Garden Ideas

Design - "Brother Noah Built the Ark"
Designer - Mary Ann Cox
Chart - Leisure Arts - "Contest Collection"
Fabric - 30 count Natural linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 22 April 2012
Completed - 25 April 2012

Another ark albeit a tiny one.  I'm getting quite a flotilla! 

On a gray, rainy day, here's some Garden Inspiration from Down to Earth.

Wouldn't these guys look cool down by one of our seasonal creeks?

If you remember, I bought a circular form - I have the tools, do I have the will to create a sedum wreath?

Young lettuce - so pretty

Potatoes - such a rewarding crop

"Looking for a Good Garden Home - no location too small, too weedy to consider.  Will battle moles and chipmunks."

My sister would love to have a couple of chickens, but so would the raccoons.

What a bright statement this would make in the midst of a green Kitchen Garden.

I love Down to Earth's handmade signs.  This trio hangs above their Help Desk.  I think the single most important piece of information is the average soil temperature.  See people, it's far too cold to plant tomatoes!  

Okay crafters, here's a creative idea.  This little plant markers are made of a metal rod and buttons!

Coordinate the color of the flag with those of your perennials.

I like the set on the bottom.

Fiestaware - how to chose a color?

Each Spring I treat myself to a new pair of gardening gloves.

I can't imagine the cacophony this guy could make.
He'd be fabulous sited near a pond.


  1. The fleet of arks is shaping up nicely! What a great shop. So much temptation -I always treat myself to a new pair of gloves each Spring. And as for Fiestaware you can't pick just one color. Which is why I have 14 different colors! LOL

  2. I feel like it has been raining for days here. All of your Noah's arks are very fitting.

  3. Hi Beth, I'm new to your blog (via Edgar at Blacksheep). Is "Down To Earth" a shop near you? What amazing inspiration. I've always wanted to try the sedum wreath. I pulled an idea from a magazine of a 'suculant wall" made of chicken wire over an old bed frame.....have yet to actually build one though.

  4. another one finished! do you ever sleep:-) as always I love your pictures, and oh, that shop looks so inviting. Too bad it's nowhere near my place. Congrats on the finishing, it's beautiful!

  5. The new little ark is great!! Love that store. I could spend some serious money there!

  6. ohhh well done on the wee finish .. can you send an ark here we are still having rain !!!
    mmmm when are you going to do the sedum wreath ???? and gorgeous ideas for the garden .. love the gnomes and the buttons and that frog too :)
    love mouse xxxxx


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