Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wednesday Walk Redux

I stitched last evening on "Happy Bunny Bunny Day".  The alphabet is almost done, the the bunny is stitching up quickly and easily.  

A Wednesday Storm Revisited 
This Wednesday the only signs of last week's snow are broken branches, and a few small piles of dirty snow on the north side of the house. 

did take a walk last week though, and I wanted to share some of the snowy photos.  Button up your parka and put on your mittens! 

As you can see, we received a heavy, wet snow.

It was like living inside of a snow-globe.

The Douglas Fir trees were flocked with snow.

Here's a photo at our driveway entrance.  You can see downed branches along the left side of the road.

In this storm, the Ash trees and under brush took the hardest hits. 

The Big Creek flowed in a muddy brown contrast to the pristine white snow.

Somehow it looked more intimate in the snow.

Even a wood pile had a structural interest.

This is Dorothy's Creek, the smaller of our two creeks. 
It was flowing fiercely.

Just after taking this photo, I knocked all the snow off the Paperbark Maple.  I was afraid the branches would snap under the weight of the snow.

This poor daffodil provided one of the few spots on color on a white / gray day.

I like this Winter / Spring juxtaposition - snow on the budding Acer.

A Currier and Ive's winter etching!

I'm tired and cold and there's nowhere to sit outside...

...and inside the Comfortable Cats have taken all the prime spots before the fire!  No power either, so I can't offer Hot Chocolate! 


  1. What a sweet stitch that is! And wonderful pictures of your snow storm last week. I especially love the picture of the fireplace. : )


  2. Love the new bunny. The snow pix are beautiful, even if not what you might be expecting so late in the season...the shot of your driveway is absolutely gorgeous. And ending up by the fireplace...perfect!

    Since you are my expert in gardening...we had a freeze two nights ago and all the leaves on my hydrangeas, which had early leaves because of so many warm/hot days, look destroyed. Will we have leafless hydrangeas this year? Might they somehow recover? Doubtful, I'd guess. Will they get more leaves? In all my years of having hydrangeas, this has never happened. I don't even know whether you have hydrangeas in Oregon.

    Look forward to seeing your finished bunny.


  3. It's so strange seeing snow covering the daffodils. Everything seems upside down with the weather at the moment. It is so warm with us, it's been in the news all week.

  4. That bunny's too cute; love the variegated border. Gracious, it's crazy to think that last Wednesday when it was 80 here you were walking through snow! I might have found a way to make hot chocolate over that fire. =)

    I have given you the Liebster award...not sure if you have it already or don't "do" awards...if so no worries...find out about it here. =)


  6. Happy Bunny Day is so cute!Winter is so interesting,very annoying(no power)and yet so beautiful! Thanks for sharing such pretty photos!

  7. Oh, I am really loving this pattern!

  8. The bunny piece is lovely. Your winter pics made me shiver- so pretty but brrrrrr! Cats are such intelligent creatures, they always find the best places to curl up.

  9. I have that little bunny in my to do pile - So cute ;)

  10. Happy Bunny Bunny Day is looking good!! :D

  11. gosh just catching up... coooo that was a cold walk ... love that fire and being cosy next to the furbabies :) love mouse xxxx

  12. I still can't get over the epic snow you got. WOW. 0_o


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