Monday, March 5, 2012

The Weather Outside is ... Changeable

Design - "Six Mittens in a Row" - Heart Mittens
Designer - SamSarah Design Studio
Fabric - 28 count R & R Dark Cappuccino
Fibers - Crescent Colours - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 February 2012
Completed - 2 March 2012

I like this just fine.  Next year I might have to stitch up another pair in this series as I'm not yet ready to join the Mitten Knitting Brigade. 

Speaking of mittens, the forecast is for a bit of snow tonight / tomorrow morning.  In western Oregon that's just crazy.  Usually if we've not had snow by mid-February, then it'll be a snow-free winter.  The possibility of snow is especially wacky as on Sunday I worked outside for a couple of hours watering my Front Porch, Greenhouse, and Under the Eaves plants.  I enjoyed the sunshine and warm temperatures.  Parvati, a long-haired cat, got so warm she moved into the shade.  I worked comfortably without a coat or even a sweater in a short-sleeved cotton dress.  Craziness.   

Okay today I'm sharing Cute Chipmunk Photos - enjoy!



...and closer still!

So darned cute!

On high -alert.

Note the handy Escape Passage - the white drain-pipe.

Chipmunk Cheeks!


  1. Squeee!!! Chipmunks are toooo cute. =) I love the mittens, even though there are two and not six. =)

  2. Those mittens are just adorable! Washington joins Oregon in the crazy weather department!

  3. Love the mittens :)

    The first picture of the chipmunk - I thought he was sitting by a chipmunk sized pool, and wondered why you had a chipmunk sized pool, til I realized it was your planters lol

  4. the mitten finish is so the green & purple together...
    as for the chipmunks, yes, they are adorable, but would you like the ones we have here???? They are ruining destructive.

  5. Congrats on another finish!! Love the colors! I love your pics of the chipmunk - they are sooo cute!!

  6. Cute mittens and chipmunks!

    I think we gotcha on the crazy weather. Up in Southern Indiana, about 50 miles from me, they were devastated by tornados on Friday, and now have 3 - 4 inches of snow. That's crazy!!

  7. Congratulations on your latest finish, Beth--lovely colors in this one... And I love Mr. Chippy--there is just something about those dear little faces that is irresistible--that is until they begin digging in our vegetable garden like they did last summer!

  8. Hello

    I love your mittens they are so lovely.

    Great chipmunk pictures they are cute as anything.

  9. Soft color combination in the mittens....I love them... And you are right, chubby chipmunk cheeks~~

    Nice job, Faye

  10. Love the mittens -- so cute! And the chipmunks -- I love chipmunks! I wish we had them in our area but we don't. :(

  11. I love chipmunks. How can one not they are so darn cute. You take awesome pics. What kind of camera do you use. Have you always enjoyed nature and photography. What other hobbies do you have. Do you sketch any of the animals you photograph. Love the finish. I have a pattern you would love. It has kittens in mittens hung up on a clothesline.

  12. Super cute chipmunks! Almost as cute as your mittens. With the weather you're getting, sounds like you're going to need some nice cozy mittens for yourself.

  13. Congratulations on the finish! They're adorable. We're having changeable weather here at the moment, too. On Sunday it was nice and sunny and then we'd have hail. Then nice & sunny and then hail. And repeat. LOL

    The chipmunk pics are adorable!

  14. The only chipmunks we get in the UK are the cartoon ones. They are so cute but are they a rodent in the USA?

    The weather is crazy - last week in was 19C one day and this morning we have a frost. My poor garden.

    I saw in Truro this weekend an apple tree in blossom !!!

  15. Love it when I stumble across someone's finish of one of my designs. You did a wonderful job! Thanks so much for posting!

    We also have a very shy chipmunk living in our garden. It makes me so happy when I see him before he sees me!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.