Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Something for Everyone

Here's a test:
Can you name this stitch?  Do you have any idea when I last worked on it?
It's "Bright Winter" by Brightneedle.  I started this back in February of 2011.  In fact it's on my sidebar under "Stitching Goals 2011".  I last posted about this back on April 22, 2011 .  Since that time it has languished quietly as a WIP.  Yesterday, inspired by the lightest of snowfalls, I felt up to tackling 'over-one' once again, and took it out. I put the feet on the swans, finished up the last two flowers, and started the urn.  Not bad (patting self on back)!    

It's Wednesday. I'm ready, so let's take a walk. 

Yesterday's weather had something for everyone.

The day began with a fresh dusting of snow - not much different than a really hard frost.  It vanished by mid-morning, and when I began my walk the temperature was around 40F and the sky was steel gray. 

The clumps of wild Iris are beginning to grow out and become more clearly defined.
Pacific Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) is coming up ready or not - the tips have burned brown with the cold weather. 

Look at the abundance of Hazel catkins!

I like the color contrast in this photo - the green of the Douglas Fir next to the gray/green lichen-covered Hazel brush. 

I thought last year's Dogwood fruits made a striking silhouette against the Winter sky. 

The Cow's Parsnip thinks it is Spring.  Now only a few inches tall, many of these plants will grow to be over 6' in height. 

Snow didn't deter the Osoberry - blossoms!

More blossoms - not Osoberry - I'll have to watch and see what the leaves look like - maybe that will help me figure out 'who' this is. 

I had to stop and admire the Pussy Willow.

Deep in the shade the clumps of Shooting Stars are emerald green and growing.

I found a Trillium with lovely mottled leaves and a strong immature bud. 

Hey!  It has begun to spit snow and hail.  Time to go inside.
I think the mix of weather had something for everyone!


  1. Wonderful cross stitch project. Looks like spring is right around the corner even if you are having snow.

  2. wow, what a day. Your stitching is beautiful! Thanks for visting my blog and leaving the comment. We are becoming more self sustainable...but we have a long way to go.

  3. Thanks for another great walk. I haven't seen any pussy willow for years. I used to have quite a few trillium in my former backyard...some whites and a couple of wine colored ones. I miss those. I also had lots of May Apples and a couple of Jack-in-the-Pulpits. You've got me missing my old backyard!


  4. I love "our" Wednesday Walks!! Reminds me of when I was a teen walking in the wooded area near my house with Wildflower book in hand! The shooting star leaves make me think of violets. The Pacific Hound's Tongue looks quite interesting!!

  5. Hi Elizabeth. The wip looks like fun. Good for you on getting some done on it. Keep at it and you'll have it done in no time.

  6. Love the stitching! I need to take a picture of the tree in my front yard and see if you can tell me what it is. It has those catkins/pussy willow thingies on it. Loved the walk!

  7. I really love your stitching project.

  8. Glad to see this one "out of storage," Beth! It's too pretty not to finish...

  9. get that pretty stitch done, I love it!
    Super nice pics

  10. Good progress on your stitching!

  11. Love this wip....Nice rebound getting quite a bit done on it...

    And, love the picture walk today!


  12. Looks like a very pretty one to complete! I really enjoyed the walk. It gives me faith that spring really will come!

  13. Really--over one??!! You brave soul!! It is just beautiful!! Thanks for the 'walk' pictures! Hugs!

  14. Mother Nature is amazing! And she does suffer a lot regarding man's hand in all creatures great and small!! Have to say that I love the chipmunks and immediatly thought of "Alvin..."
    I've said once I'll say it twice: only one WIP each time I cross stitch!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.