Friday, March 9, 2012

A March Stitch for a Sunny Warm Day

Choices, choices! 
I decided to kit up "Egg Hunt" by Lizzie Kate for my first March stitch.

Thursday was warm enough for an Easter Egg Hunt.  We reached 67F.  The Outdoor Cats got too warm and headed for the shade, as I did.  I had to open the door of my little greenhouse to make sure the plants did not bake.  The temperature inside read 95F, though I do not think it was truly that warm.  

The birds were active all day.  Starting with my most loyal Peanut Feeder Customer, a female Hairy Woodpecker. 

Lots of Mourning Doves today.
Down in my sister's Dahlia garden, chickadees gleaned at an almost empty feeder. 

Yes, it was yet another frosty morning!
I share this somewhat blurry photo as it captures a rare event.
Three, count 'em, three Steller's Jays in close proximity!


This morning I spied two Red Breasted Sapsuckers!
Where were you guys during the Great Backyard Bird count?


  1. Your new start is a cutie!! I love your bird I always do. The Red Breasted Sapsuckers look pretty!

  2. I like the lettering on egg hunt,very cute colors. And 95 degrees in the greenhouse, wow. I complain it's in the high 70's here already!

  3. Another cute chart - what is worse is I don't think I have seen this one which means a trip to my ONS! LOL! Great bird pix as well.

  4. The colors for Egg Hunt are luscious! It will be too cute! I guess the sapsucker was shy last month! Hugs!

  5. Great pick for your first March stitch. Your weather really can't decide between winter or summer, with the warm days and chilly nights with frost. Can't wait to see what you have started in the greenhouse.

  6. The new stitch is going to be really cute!! I love those juncos!


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