Saturday, March 3, 2012

Decisions Decisions

If and when I finish up a couple of my 'Mitten Stitches', I have a large selection of 'Eastery/Rabbity/Springy' stitches from which to chose for my next project.  Plus - I confess, I've been drooling over the Nashville Market releases - but then, who hasn't?

The birds are glad the snow is long gone.

A Towhee and a Song Sparrow

An inquisitive Steller's Jay

A Golden Crowned Sparrow and a Towhee

A Steller's Jay, "Yah' got food buddy?"


  1. I am so excited to see what you chose to stitch for the spring season. I recognized some charts from your stash that I have stitched myself already.

  2. Love the selection you have to choose from....whatcha gonna pick? I hadn't noticed the stellar jay's eyebrows! Too cute!!!

  3. I would choose the With Thy Needle and Thread design. I think they have a look all of their own. I know what you mean about the Nashville releases, there are quite a few that appeal.

  4. Your pictures are sp pretty! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love the new header! Looks like you have quite a cunundrum facing you. One thing is for sure, whatever you pick will be done quickly and beautifully!

  6. I love the pictures of the jays! Its going to be fun to see what you decide to stitch.

  7. I cannot wait to see what spring-y projects you stitch! I might have ONE of them, and lust for many others! Of course, love the birds... especially the gold-crowned sparrow! Hugs!

  8. oooo some more eye candy shots of charts
    gorgeous birdie photos too that little steller jay is sooo cute :)
    from a very wet and miserable mouse house xxxxx

  9. I love your March Header!
    The bird pics are amazing.

  10. Oh, that stellar jay is amazing, Beth! I've never seen or heard of that kind of bird before...He is one handsome fellow.

    Looks like you have plenty of fun pieces to chose from. I've stitched the bunny in the front left corner but still need to finish it...maybe by Easter?


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.