Thursday, February 9, 2012

Snowdrop and Sunrise

Design - "White Candlemas" Snowdrop
Designer - The Little Stitcher
Fabric - 28 count Natural linen
Fibers - DMC & Crescent Color - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 8 February 2012
Completed - 8 February 2012
The chart is a freebie and you can find it here.

This is a perfect example of why I must stick to instructions.  The design was stitched on a white linen and that's what I should have done too as DMC 3782 disappears into the natural linen. On the other hand, it does have a quiet prim look to it.  I'll probably stitch it again as it is very fast and easy. 
I changed the date from 1701 to 1887 in honor of my great-grandmother, Elsie Margaret Greenwell Upton.  She was born the 2nd of February 1887 in Clackamas County, Oregon. 
The rain returned Wednesday morning, but earlier in the week we were gifted with a lovely sunrise.

There is something magical in the dawning of a sunrise. Each new day is a gift of light.

I had a couple of bunnies ready for breakfast.

The one in front was not the least camera-shy.

As you can see he/she has been eating well this Winter.  Nice thick coat, nice plump bunny.

This Gold Crowned Sparrow patiently waited for me to leave.

Look at the maze of blackberry canes and saplings, and other brambles.  It is easy to see why small creatures feel safe in a thicket like this.


  1. What a sweet freebie finish, Beth--like how you changed the date in honor of your great grandmother, too :)

    Those bunnies are adorable and that giant bird in your last post is unbelievable. I can see why you took so many photos!

  2. Lovely finish! Love how you changed the date for your grandmother!

  3. A beautiful design in its simplicity! Lovely idea to honor your great grandmother. :)
    I love the little splash of gold on the sparrow's head.

  4. Lovely stitching and plump wildlife, but I must say, I'm very pleased to meet Elsie :)

  5. I like the way your little stitch looks! It's so pretty and very subtle. It's great to honor your
    Great Grandmother.

  6. How nice to deciated this to your Great - Grandmother.

  7. I've printed that one off the other day to stitch too ... not got round to it yet and hellooo bunnies and birdies ... you look a wee bit warmer than mine do atm
    love mouse xxxx
    ps no blisters ;)


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