Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Musings

Design - "Polka Dot Scissor Companion"
Designer - Ewe & Eye & Friends
Fabric - 28 count Carnation linen
Fibers - Anchor - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 14 February 2012
Completed - 17 February 2012
I messed a bit with the use of colors.  Decided to Symra cross the inside of the heart in light pink rather than green.  The border called for green long stitches, and I decided to omit that for a cleaner look.
Tom-Cat helped me prepare for Sunday's count.
We started off with a Song Sparrow or two.

Pine Siskins at the feeder.

And we finished the evening with a Big Leaf Maple full of Mourning Doves. 

We counted something like 35 in this tree.
Here's the Bird Count for Sunday.  It was a bright sunny day - the biggest change - LOTS of Mourning Doves - and almost no Robins.
    Count    Species
  • 09 California Quail            
  • 02 Turkey Vultures                  
  • 01 Red-tailed Hawk               
  • 40 Mourning Doves                 
  • 01 Great Horned Owl             
  • 02 Anna's Hummingbirds         
  • 02 Northern Flickers                
  • 08 Steller's Jay s                    
  • 01 Western Scrub-Jay            
  • 10 Black-capped Chickadees    
  • 01 Red-breasted Nuthatch     
  • 01 American Robin                  
  • 02 European Starlings               
  • 03 Spotted Towhees                 
  • 02 White-crowned Sparrows       
  • 02 Golden-crowned Sparrows      
  • 10 Dark-eyed Juncos (Oregon)    
  • 10 House Finchs                     
  • 04 Pine Siskins                       
  • 03 Song Sparrows                   


  1. Lovely finish :-) and super bird pics too :-)

  2. Great dedication on your birding. Wow, that is a tree full of doves! I guess I don't have to warn you not to walk under it!

    I've been hearing bird songs early the past four mornings, so I guess they are getting spring fever, too. Three mornings I heard doves. Not sure what today was...I was still groggy!

    Have a great day.


  3. Tom Cat looks as though he is taking his task very seriously :-)

  4. Tom Cat is super :) I absolutely adore orange (or I guess technically red) cats!

    You know what I love the most about your blog? That we sort of have the same birds, except I never knew what mine were called lol. Like your juncos we called snowbirds here for some reason. Now I can call them the proper name!

  5. Your heart is so cute. I think you made the perfect choice with your changes.

  6. Lovely heart...I think green would have been out of place. And how lovely to see all those birds!!!

  7. I love the choices that you made. The smyrna cross stitches in light pink are so pretty. You really have me watching the birds!! Do you pick periods during the day to count? I counted 6 little chickadees in a short period.

  8. Your heart is great - I like your changes. That tree full of doves is unbelievable!!

  9. Great heart finish, Beth! Love the birds and the bird totals, too. We have birds nesting in an air vent pipe (the Irish answer to air conditioning) in the living room. I haven't been able to spot what type of bird it is, just hear them in there sometimes.

  10. What a cute heart finish, Beth--I like the changes you've made, too :)

    And all those birds--I'll bet your yard must be filled with lots of singing each morning!

  11. Love love love your new heart finish!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.