Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Header Details Revealed


Wow it's February - 2012 is certainly flying by.  Thank goodness February has 29 days this year.  I'll need the extra day to even hope to stay on track.

Here are the details of the Blog Header.  This time, just to confuse everyone, I'll name them using horizontal rows. 

Row 1: Heart in Hand, Bits and Pieces "Hodgepodge Hearts"; Bent Creek, Snappers "February Glows";  DMC, Color Variations "Love Your Hearts"; Heart in Hand, "2000 Collector's Heart" (I changed year to 2002); Heart in Hand, "Gentle Heart".

Row 2: Heart in Hand, Wee One "Be Mine"; Brightneedle, "Twin Hearts Sampler"; Heart in Hand, "2005 Collector's Heart" (I changed the date to 2006); then below it is Heart in Hand, Mother's Wisdom "Be Nice". 

Row 3: Top with white fabric Ibex Designs, "Rainbow Pillow"; beneath the rainbow hearts is Heart in Hand, "Stack of Hearts";  Heart in Hand, "One Love"; Heart in Hand, "2004 Collector's Heart"; Heart in Hand, Monthly Mania "February"; " Heart in Hand, "2006 Collector's Heart"; Bent Creek, "Love".

There you have it!



  1. As always your header is gorgeous!

  2. Very pretty, Beth! I love all of your seasonal stitching. Congratulations on your first February finish, too!

  3. Love your new header. I might miss the snowmen a little bit though :)

  4. Love your header and your first finish for Feb is so cute!

  5. Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Love it!
    I think this is the first header where I haven't stitched any of the designs *OR* have any of them in my stash. *grumble**grumble**twitch*
    I IMMEDIATELY need to go add some stuff to my wish list on 123stitch, THANKS!

  6. WOW! what a great collage of finishes. I think I have only one stitched heart project. I am so jealous. Thanks for listing all these great projects (my wish list just got quite a bit longer!)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.