Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mitten Weather

Design - Mitten
Chart - "Baby it's Cold Outside"
Designer - Sisters & Best Friends
Fabric - 32 count White Belfast
Fibers - DMC 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 5 January 2012
Completed - 9 January 2012

Well this is a pathetic tiny little finish when compared to other's BAPs like "And They Sinned".  Still I know my limits, and I'm using this small mitten to promote the wonderful series of knitted mittens that Melanie created - you should take a look.  They are cute, cute, cute - makes me wish I could knit.

It's sunny, but the wind is brisk - I suggest mittens for this walk.

We've named this The Secret Path, but now that I've shared that information, it isn't a secret any longer, is it? 

When my brother and I were kids and found a rock like this... 

...or like this, we were instantly transported and became Pioneer Miners of the Old Oregon Territory.  I'm still beguiled by sparkling crystals.

This Ash leaf has a quiet beauty amidst its decay. 

More decay - this large tree lines Dorothy's Creek.  Unusually, the "excavation work" is at ground level. 

The Evergreen Blackberry vines provide a bit of color in early January.

I thought this combination of moss / lichens looked like something from Outer Space.

Yet more decay - this old stump's cavity is breaking apart chunk by chunk.

We had a little rain last night, so the Big Creek is flowing right along.

The spent blooms of the Ocean Spray remain on the bushes all Winter long. I'm cold, and the Winter sun has already set behind the hills, it's time to go back inside.


  1. I'm much more comfortable stitching small things, too, Beth--can't imagine ever tackling anything as large as ATS!!

    Your mitten is adorable and I totally agree about Melanie's knitting. Incredible!!

    Enjoyed our Wednesday walk :)

  2. your post today makes me want to go visit a state park, regardless of how cold it is outside or how sore my foot may be.....lovely photos....
    I am HOPING I can take an outdoor walk this is suppose to be warm enough I think....

  3. I fell in love with Melanie's mittens, too! Awhile ago, I was stitching some of the Cricket Collection mittens, thinking I'd hang them on a garland type thingie across the fireplace mantel. Never did get more than one finished, but hey--a finish is a finish! ;) Your mitten is adorable!

  4. You would love knitting Beth, it's so therapeutic and relaxing. I can see why it's called the new yoga.

  5. Don't play down your finish! A finish is a finish, no matter what the size. I love those big projects, but do you think I ever finish them? Nope, they just sit there in the basket giving me a guilt complex every time I start something new.

  6. Lovely mitts and great photos, Keep warm.

  7. ooooo its a cute finish :) and we all need mittens at some point in winter :) love the walk today ... I've got a wee bit to show in my blog later :)love mouse xxxx

  8. I bright and cheery mitten, so cute. I enjoyed the photo walk. Nature never fails to amaze.

    We have had a beautiful spring day, quite warm in fact, perfect for working on the garden.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.