Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Good Earth Show

Each January, The Good Earth Home and Garden & Living Show comes to town.   The over-arching concept is sustainabilty.  There are architects, and home designers, and landscapers.  There are urban farmers and cook-book authors - something for everyone.  

There was local honey.

Fragrant Oriental lilies.

Roosters, chickens, coops, and eggs!

Seeds to turn a gardener's thoughts to Spring. 

Greenhouses!  Wow!

Floral cupcakes.

Baskets from Ghana.  These would be great Market baskets.

Art - The bat is reading a book, "The Sun Also Rises"!

Gardening books.

And the darling of the show - alpacas.

If one did not come away with an idea or two...well...


  1. that rooster looks a little cross! I'm not a big fan of alpacas. I've spent way too much time around cats which has trained me that when ears are back - trouble is brewing, and alpacas tend to do that a lot with their ears, so I always think they're about to attack me haha.

    I really like those baskets, and I have dreams in my head about how they'd be used around here. and then I wake up and realize that the cats would just make beds out of them!

  2. Now that's my kind of show, lol
    Awesome photo's
    Thanks for sharing

  3. It does look like a wonderful place for inspiration. We have the Flower Show in Philadelphia and if you don't mind braving the incredible crowds, it is also a wonderful place for ideas. :)
    Love the hairdos on the alpacas.

  4. That was one fantastic Greenhouse! I have one of those baskets, and I use it quite a bit in picking veggies from the garden!

  5. What fun! I picture filling a basket with WIPs or a current project to tote around, and wonder if we could make a pin cushion to look like the floral cupcakes! At least I think the alpacas are adorable without turning them into a stitching project. lol.

  6. What fun, so much to see. Thank you for sharing.

    My son keeps bees and his honey is scrumptious.

  7. ooooooo now I wouldn't have minded a wee stroll around this show ... loved the green house ... cupcake flowers were sweet ... loved the bat ;) and the alpacas seem to be saying hello to every one :) love mouse xxxx

  8. Ooooo, honey! The hubby loves to collect honey from wherever we go. I have a cupboard full of it. Nom nom nom.


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