Monday, December 26, 2011

The Time of Trees

I did a bit of stitching on "Wassailing".  Perhaps I'll stitch a bit more today.
I think today will be a quiet, lazy day dedicated to post-holiday recovery. 

This is the season for looking at and appreciating trees...

This leafless Ash is covered in moss (lichens?).

Look at this poor horizontal tree - it is growing from right to left, desperate to find a bit of sun. 

Big trees and little trees. 

This is our scariest tree.  A Douglas Fir growing on a steep hillside with a terrible slant to it.  It always looks as thought it is about to topple down - some day it probably will. 


  1. enjoy your lazy day :) I have manage to get some stitching done too :) love mouse xxxx

  2. What a beautiful start. I missed out on Wassailing sadly, but will enjoy yours growing :)
    Hope you had a great Christmas.
    And you're right that tree looks as if it will fall any moment.

  3. What a fun start! Enjoy your lazy day. I wish it wasn't so dark and dreary at this time of year here, but I do love the period between Christmas and New Years, when things are so quiet!


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