Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Chaos

Never let it be said that I can't multitask!  While in the midst of a wrapping frenzy, my mind was occupied with December cross stitching.  

I decided to change my December 2011 Stitching Goals piece to Elizabeth's Garden "New England Reindeer Sampler".  I've been on a reindeer rampage so thought this was fitting.  Will it be done before December ends?  Probably not, but that's just the way it goes.

Due to extreme Christmas panic frenzy chaos disorganization time constraints, I am postponing this week's Wednesday Walk.  I hope to have a post ready for Thursday.  But first I've still gifts to wrap!

As you've probably figured out by now, with my many 'collections', I could have my own episode of "Hoarders".  Have I mentioned salt and pepper shakers?

This is a group of Fitz & Floyd salt and peppers shakers.

The top row has Fitz and Floyd Santas, the bottom row has an assortment of Snowmen salt and pepper shakers. 

This time of year my Grandmother's hutch turns into "Snowman Central" with a mix of tins and salt and peppers shakers.   

Again, the top row has Fitz and Floyd Santas, the bottom row has an assortment of Snowmen salt and peppers shakers.

...and yet more Santa salt and pepper shakes.

No, I've never counted them - it would probably frighten me if I did.  And inexplicably, I've managed, year after year, to avoid buying a duplicate set. 


  1. Love your snowman collection...just beautiful!!!

    Merry Christmas.

  2. I love the New England Reindeer Sampler. I don't remember ever seeing it - is it a new design? Love, love, your salt and pepper shaker collection!

  3. Interesting chart. I haven't seen this one yet. Have fun stitching.

  4. oooo nice new start and coooo that's a lot of shakers n movers and don't panic about the walk ... I know exactly how you feel .... eeeekkkk how many days left :) love mouse xxxx

  5. LOVE the snowmen! You have some wonderful ones. We could be a dual episode on Hoarders -- buried alive by snowman collections - LOL! I get my snowmen out in January and keep them out till Spring. Idon't count either - I don't need to know - LOL! Merry Christmas!

  6. Love your collections. It makes me feel good that there are others out there like me. Oops did I say that out loud?


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