Friday, December 23, 2011

Birds Outside Cats Inside

Design - "Reindeer"
Chart - "A Prairie Christmas"
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 32 count Lambswool linen
Fibers - DMC - 1 strand over 2 threads
Started - 20 December 2011
Completed - 22 December 2011

I like it, I like it, I like it!  Next up - the Partridge!

On the shortest day of the year (yesterday), who was out and about?

A Red-tailed Hawk

A towhee

An Anna's Hummingbird

A Chickadee

Two Anna's Hummingbirds

A Hairy Woodpecker

And who was inside writing letters to Santa? 

Padma under the Christmas Tree

Tom-Cat Under the Christmas Tree

Parvati under the Christmas tree


  1. Love the reindeer. I also love the pictures of both the outdoor and indoor wildlife!

  2. Everyone in their proper place - LOL! Lately we've been referring to the bird feeders as cat TV - our Big Dude enjoys it immensely.

  3. Perfect timing on finishing the reindeer - he has a job to do tomorrow night!

  4. ohhh well done on the finish :) just in time for the big day :) love the birds and cute of the cats under the tree writing their letters to santapaws :) love mouse xxxx

  5. I love the photo of Padma under the tree.

  6. Love the reindeer. I love the names Padma and Parvati. :)

  7. Just wanted to comment and say thanks for sharing all the beautiful pictures on your blog. I always enjoy them. My husband has recently taken up photography as a hobby, and loves looking for hawks and eagles.

    Merry Christmas.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.