Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Next Up

In keeping with the season, I've kitted up Heart in Hand's
"Thanksgiving Sampler" as my next stitch.  It uses WDW & GAST & is stitched on 32 count Clay Belfast linen. 

Though the weather has turned cold and nasty, the trees continue their Autumn Show.  Let's take a walk.

This wild cherry make up part of my view as I sit typing.

It is currently a wonderful mix of green, and yellow, and bronze.  I think the bronze will become the dominate color as the leaves age.

I spied this perfect little mushroom as I strolled over to look at the cherry.

The distant woods are now a mix of leafless trees, evergreens, and autumn color.

Even though Winter approaches ever closer, some plants have already made plans for the upcoming Spring.  The Cow's Parsnip is about 4 inches tall with new bright green growth.  It will stay this way until late Spring when it will shoot up to 4 to 6 feet tall in a matter of weeks. 

The Dogwood is still a stellar performer come mid-November.

The Oregon Grape has turned a lovely color too.

I don't think that anything has prettier bark than a Madrone.  I read that Cedar Waxwings feast on the Madrone's berries.  If they have, they've done it on the sly, and avoided my notice.  To the left of the photo the new catkins of the Hazelnuts are already formed and dangle from the branches.

I hope you've enjoyed today's walk.  Based on the weather, I think I'll spend the rest of the day inside. 


  1. Great pictures - that wild cherry tree is so pretty. Love the sampler - I don't think I've ever seen it before- and with as much web surfing as I do I am surprised I missed this one. Very cute! Have a great day -

  2. I have been reading your blog for a while and I really enjoy it. Your outdoor pics are awesome. I see you like Heart in Hand. I have tons of there charts, but have not stitched any. Great stitching as always.


  3. Cute Thanksgiving sampler. I'm going to have to do a Thanksgiving stitch for next year.

    The mushroom looks like a ceramic one!

  4. another gorgeous piece ready to be stitched!! And oh my!!! Your outdoor pictures are great...your season is for sure 'behind' us...we have no color left here!!

  5. Lovely nature photos, as always. The mushroom is very unusual.

  6. Oh! I love this little design!
    And I'm totally jealous that you still have nice looking leaves out there. lol

  7. Love the nature photos too! The thanksgiving piece has great colors!

    I have a little giveaway on my blog if anyone is interested!

  8. Thank you for the lovely walk. I really do feel a little more relaxed and connected now.... almost like I got out of the office :)

    Enjoy your new Thanksgiving start!

  9. ooo cute new start .... you keep finding ones I've not seen yet .. gorgeous walk and that mushroom is cute (probably poisonous?) love mouse xxxx

  10. Looks like your next project will be a lot of fun to stitch, Beth!

    Lovely photos--have never seen a mushroom like that around here!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.