Sunday, November 20, 2011

After the Rain

With the rainy weather, I've had lots of time to work on "Pumpkin Pie". The fabric photographed gray and it is not - it's a wonderful bright yellow.  I'm hopeful the scan I take when done will show off the true colors. 

We had over 2" of rain the last couple of days.
On Friday and Saturday mornings, most everyone was out and about during a break in the weather.  

I know we have at least two Anna's Hummingbirds as I've seen them chasing each other.  Apparently 26 acres (and two feeders) is not enough territory to share peaceably!

This little one clicked at me non-stop defending a feeder.  I did try to remind him that I'm the one who fills the feeders!

And I was pleased to see a group of about 10 Quail on a Hawk-free Saturday morning.

I managed to capture this Rufous Sided Towhee awaiting his turn.  Towhees are ground feeders and mix freely with the Mourning Doves.


  1. Lovely to see the birds today, I'm glad the quails have appeared again. Pumpkin Pie is coming along nicely.

  2. Good to see the quail again! Never seen a Towhee, what a pretty bird! Great progress on Pumpkin Pie!

  3. I love your posts, with the Birds! They cheer me up!! Today it is warm enough to open windows, and I can hear all the birds chirping! Lovely! Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. ooo well done on the pumpkin pie .. .you can just see tinges of yellow squeaking through the photo on my screen :) lovely bird photos as always and mmm they sound like kids those wee birds never happy heheeh love mouse xxxx

  5. Luv the pumpkin pie, great hummingbird pix, and so happy the quails are safe.

  6. Pumpkin pie is looking great! Your photos are fantastic.


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