Wednesday, October 26, 2011

It's Wednesday, We're Walking...

Progress continues with "Boo Sampler".  I'm trying to decide if I want to stitch 'Flora' as charted or attempt to change it to 'Beth'...I have changed the year from '10 to '11....or was that supposed to be her age?

Brrrrr! We had a hard frost last night, I think it's no more than 28F and everything is glittering in the sun.  Even with the cold, we have had lovely sunny weather this week, so no excuses, bundle-up and let's take a walk. 

Earlier this month I posted photos of a group of Cedar Waxwings flitting about munching on berries.  I've been pondering what it was they were eating, and I've decided it was the berries of the Cascara trees.  

In Autumn sometimes the mundane is lovely - like these Blackberry leaves.

And there is beauty in small things too, like this moss.

It is always a joy to see a young Oak tree.  They take so very long to mature.  We have several Adult Oak trees, but few Juveniles, and fewer Babies.    

Again, for Oregon anyway, the mundane - Vine Maple ablaze with color.

And more Blackberries - I like the fine cutwork of these leaves.  They remind me of some of the lovely Japanese Maple cultivars.

 The Thimbleberry is still very green and looking like summer...

...but for the first time I could hear the sound of flowing water in the Big Creek. 

I spied this hole in a young Ash tree - it looks to be the perfect home for someone - Who?  (Owl pun!) 

Look at the amazing clusters of cinnamon colored berries on the Madrone.  I read that Cedar Waxwings love these berries.  Maybe I'll get lucky and see a group working in this tree.

I don't think anyone likes the berries of the wild Honeysuckle.  They certainly are pretty...and everywhere!  


  1. Boo Sampler is looking great!! Love LK designs.

  2. Sampler is coming along, and what beautiful photos


  3. I love the colours in your design and I particularly love the colour of those berries - they almost look translucent in the photo.

  4. It is nice to see another stitcher from Lane County (Eugene). Love your pictures of Oregon nature.

    Happy Stitching!!!

  5. Boo Sampler is coming along so Cute! Your pictures are just beautiful!!


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