Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Stitching Fruit & Eating Fruit

Yes, I did it!  I purchased SamSarah's set of six fruit - her "Farmer's Market" charts. I have the embellishments and a piece of fabric...hmmm...will this move to the top of my Must Stitch List?  Stay tuned!

Speaking of fruit, it's Tuesday, and time for a Garden Party. 

My sister picked blackberries and challenged me to use her set of ramekins.
I had intended to use Martha Stewart's Blackberry Crumb Bars recipe which uses a pan.  I felt up to the challenge and used the recipe anyway, just spooning the mix and berries into individual ramekins, and then sprinkling on the brown sugar topping. My father, aunt, and uncle all taste-tested and give it Two Thumbs Up!  

I always use more berries than the recipe calls for...
This cobbler recipe too would work well for individual servings.

*Sandie’s Blackberry Cobbler*

7” x 11” pan
(Double recipe for 9” x 13” pan)

1 quart of blackberries
¼ cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup sugar
1 cup milk
½ tsp salt
(optional – more sugar)
 Preheat oven to 350F
 Melt butter in baking pan.
Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, milk, and salt.
Pour batter over butter in baking pan.
Add berries
Add more sugar (if want)

Bake at 350F for 30 minutes

Pretty, seasonal, and tasty! Best served with good vanilla ice cream!

And I have to show off some of my September garden beauties.

Monstrous fuchsias...

Fiery begonia... 

Cool begonia...

Another wonderful begonia...

And a sign of autumn - the asters have begun to bloom.
Enjoy your Tuesday - Garden if you can!


  1. I really like those charts and look forward to see you starting on them.

  2. Oh, I love this post. Where did your sister find those beautiful ramekins--love them! And your fuschias and begonias--just look amazing. I have the same type of purple aster, and it has started to bloom away as well--I love their bright flowers this late in the season.

  3. I just found your Blog and I love reading your Blog...Wow...your photos are really beautiful...of your garden and everything else. I love your Photos of your Gardening and etc.

    I love your stitching as well too.

    I too have a Blog and here is the link:


    I became a follower of your Blog. Feel free to be a follower of mine. I would love for you to be a follower on mine too.

    Looking forward to more beautiful pictures of your garden and your yard, and stitching of course.

    Take care & Happy Stitching
    Hugs :) Linda K, Railroad

  4. Thanks. I'm really hungry now :o)

    Those SamSarah charts are so "you"! Stitch them! Stitch them NOW!

  5. I love your blog header picture.

    My lobelia mostly died because it was so hot here, even though I watered it regularly. It has just a few flowers and some leaves. I don't think fuschias would have done well, either, though I do love their color & shape.


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