Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Sewing Box and Needle-cases and a Walk About

It all started with my maternal Grandmother's sewing box...

Amongst the accoutrements inside, was this needle-case. My Grandmother loved to drive.  In 1937 at the age of 22, she drove her mother, two sisters, and aunt on a cross country adventure from Oregon to Minnesota on to Pennsylvania and southwestern New York and then back again - as the solo driver!  She often said that the hardest thing she ever did (at the age of 88 or so) was give up her driver's license.  So, if she had but one needle-case, it would have to have been from the American Automobile Association.

That collection of "one" provided the motivation to purchase a five more at the Coburg Antique Show. These little paper cases often were "freebies" from different companies.

Inside each - a nice array of needles and a threader.

Tuesday morning turned out to be cold, gray and misty, so I did not go far on my weekly walk.
The Sweet Gums have started to turn color...

As have the Big Leaf Maples...

While it did not actually rain, it was misty enough to have droplets of moisture on the branches of the young Douglas Fir Trees... 

...and the Mullein leaves had condensation too...

As did the Rabbit's Feet Clover...

One of the prettiest trees this time of year is our young Crab Apple.  It's in a cage for its own protection.  When planted a couple of years ago, the deer found it irresistible and pruned hard on the bottom branches.  In a couple of more years, it will have recovered and grown enough that we will be able to remove the cage.  I'm still reeling from a week of 90+ degree temperatures to now mid-70's.  It's was an abrupt change and it is taking my body a day or two to adapt to the cooler temperatures.  Hope the weather is grand where ever you are! 


  1. It's lovely to hear of stories from the past, the sewing box looks in good condition. Our weather has improved today after a really bad start to the week with Scotland being on alert for gale force winds.

  2. What an awesome sewing box and the needlebook, too! What great treasures. I love the graphics on the other ones you've collected, as well!

    Awesome nature pics! It's cool here too. Yeah!

  3. Thanks for showing us the needlebooks you got. Your grandmother sounds like quite a woman!

  4. What a neat sewing box! Your grandmother sounds like she was an amazing woman. Loved the scenery pics, too!


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