Saturday, September 17, 2011

Eye Candy

Here's what's been feeding my always scattered attention lately.  I've been  thumbing through these two magazines going, "Oooh, oooh, - this - no that - no, this!"  Lots of plans in the making - Halloween first - beyond that nothing is set in stone.

And speaking of Eye Candy!  

This weekend is the Lane County Dahlia Society 48th Annual Show at the Wheeler Pavilion at the Lane County Fairgrounds.  As my sister is president of the club, I am aware of just how much work goes on to put on a show like this.

Lots and lots of lovely flowers, and it's open to the public - free admission.  Check it out if you are in town.  


  1. I've just received the Christmas magazine but resisted the Halloween issue. The flowers are beautiful, the colours and designs from nature are amazing.

  2. Oh wow, what pretty flowers!

    I haven't bought either of the issues and not sure if I will. I know I'll regret it later but right now I'm feeling oddly frugal.

  3. the flowers are beautiful, they look so perfect!
    i'm getting the Christmas ornaments issue care of my stitching cousin. Yay!


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