Monday, September 19, 2011

Berries and Dahlias

I'd hoped for more progress to share on "Sweet Berries" didn't turn out that way.  I did manage to read for a while Sunday afternoon, and stitch a bit.  But stitching and Cat Wrangling really are not a good match.  I am required to get up constantly and continually to redirect Tom-Cat's and Parvati's attention away from Quail, Chipmunks, Bunnies...

Then Sunday evening I spent time helping my sister water her Dahlia Garden.  

She has some bean, marigolds, and zinnias, but Pride of Place belongs to the Dahlias. 
Let's take a tour...

 Sean C - Collarette

Tahoma Hope - Orchid

Chilson's Pride - Informal Decorative

Creekside Volcano - Laciniated

Skipley Bonanza - Incurved Cactus

Crazy 4 Jessie - Incurved Cactus

Camano Concord - Incurved Cactus 

Lots of different colors, sizes, and shapes in the Dahlia World!


  1. Those Dahlias are just stunning! Thanks for the eye candy. I don't think Dahlias are very common here in Atlanta because of our warm weather. What a gorgeous variety.

  2. Thanks for sharing the flowers, they are so bonnie. Your comment about keeping an eye on puss cats made me smile, I wouldn't be able to relax either.

  3. oooo nice start though :0 and those dahlias are stunning ... does she grow them for show ??? love mouse xxxx


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