Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Strawberries and Agaves

As usual, Lizzie Kate has designed a sweet and charming small sampler.  I finished up the strawberry last night.  I do think that her mini-samplers have gotten more sophisticated in the last couple of years.

Ruth of Pittsford, NY asked about an element in my August Blogger Header.  As she has no email, I am unable to respond, but on Saturday I'll post all the designers / charts used to create this month's header...be patient!  

It's Tuesday - Garden Party Time.
Today I'm all about Agaves.
Even though the Willamette Valley of Oregon does not have a "deserty" climate, I've found several varieties of Agaves who like it here just fine. 

This is Agave x leopoldii.  We got this at Cistus Nursery.  It's great in a small container or rockery.  Frost hardy to 15F. 

Given the unfriendly nature of Agaves - ouch!  I love this one's name Agave funkiana 'Fatal Attraction'.  This is another Cistus Nursery purchase.  Dark green leaves with a pale green mid-stripe down the center.  Does well in containers -  good to 15F.

This is a Proven Selection - Agave ghiesbrehtii "El Montevideo'.  It's sold as an annual but I over-wintered it just fine.  Full sun, little water - good to 5F.

This is a Proven Selection too - Agave parryi truncata "Retro Choke'.  It's a very cool Blue-green with wicked spines!

This Agave is from Xera Plants.  It's called Agave toumeyana.  It's a natural dwarf Agave with deep green leaves edged in white and soft hairs.  To only 1' wide in ten years, making it an ideal container plant.  Good to 5-10F.

Not sure where we got this one. It's called Agave americana "Opal'.  Originally from Mexico, this baby can grow to 3'!  Blue-grey foliage with an attractive creamy-yellow edge.  Good to 15F.

This Agave is also from Xera. It's called Agave schidigera 'Shira ito no Ohi'. It grows to 1' tall and about twice that wide.  It's hardy to 15F.

These last purchases are from Gindhart Nursery and had no tags...I bought them for the stripes and...

I love the spots on this guy!

Our Agave collection is growing.  In the late Fall I move the pots under the eaves next to the house.  They have a little temperature protection that way and they don't get rained on all winter long.  Everything has come through the winters just fine - no apparent damage.  Low water - low maintenance - a Win-Win for the Gardener!    


  1. ohhhh... strawverries and agaves. Love both of those.

  2. I love your new header, is it worrying that I can recognise the designers of most of the pieces!!!

  3. looks good enough to eat. I love Strawberries.


  4. Love that strawberry!! I am craving strawberries now...

    I loved the pics of the agaves. My mother has some but I never knew their names. I saw the title of your post and thought it was, ahem, fruit.

  5. Very cute little strawberry!You have a nice collection of agaves...love the new header!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.