Saturday, August 20, 2011

Rabbits and Fuchsias

I got a rabbit in the mail~
The good news - this rabbit does not munch on the vegetable garden, and try as they might, the cats have no use for him.
Time to enjoy my many Fuchsias.
They are in full bloom now.
I love these long dangly ear-rings.
This is "Little Fun" (pink). This type of fuchsia is called triphylla.

I thought a collage might be the best way to appreciate the different colors and forms.

 I think my very favorite it a small encliandra type fuchsia called "Panique".

I'm off to the Saturday Farmers' Market - hope you are able to enjoy your Saturday.


  1. Lovely collage to show them off. My favourite is the red with the purple.

  2. love your Rabbit and your Fuchsia are beautiful

  3. Isn't that a great needle minder? It's so fun. Paula is soooo creative!


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