Friday, July 15, 2011

There's More (To the Stash Addition!)

There's still more!  I bought a couple of Plum Street Sampler charts, a couple of Blackbird Design charts, and an older Homespun Elegance chart...

All good writers have Editorial Assistance (Assistants!) right?  I often have "help" plopped firmly on my lap (with claws extended) whilst I type, or sprawled out on my desk working the mouse or keyboard. 

We were pleased to see this doe...

And charmed to see her young spotted fawn!

The fawn looks like its smiling!

Mama is still extremely protective!

I don't know what kind of lizards these are...

But they show up every summer - living underneath the planters on the front porch and basking in the sun on the brick walkway.


  1. Have fun with all your new stash.
    My ass. Annabelle looks just like yours. Love your critter pics.
    Tersa's Heartfelt Stitches

  2. What a nice surprise for TGIG lots of deer and a deer baby! My husband is going to love today's post. I know that I have for sure. What I wouldn't give to visit your place. Your kitty acts like mine...she's the boss and when she wants something she gets it or else I regret it.

  3. ooooo nice stash :) and fab photos again of the deer and the lizards can't help on those either :0 love mouse xxx

  4. Lovely wildlife photos, I always enjoy them. I like Plum Street Samplers charts, I think Paulette has a sense of fun that shows through in her designs. The Flood is waiting for me to make a start - I've not been brave enough yet as I need the right amount of time to plan how I want to tackle it.

  5. Love your new stash! New stash is always fun and makes yyou feel good. :) Nothing like some retail therapy.

    And I just love your deer and baby photos. Soooooooo cute.

    As for the lizard. Well, you can keep it. nuff said.

    Have a great weekend.

  6. Love the new stash!

    The deer photos are too cute. What an adorable little bambi! The lizards--not so much. LOL

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I thought your post title said 'stash addiction' for a minute. lol. Have fun with your new stash!

    You have a most lovely assistant!

    I love your deer and lizard photos. You are so lucky to see so much wildlife.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  8. New stash is so fun! Lovely assistant you have there...can tell she is in charge!

  9. What great new stash and what great wildlife pics! I can't imagine looking out and being able to see animals like that each day. It must be wonderful.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.