Friday, July 22, 2011

Soft As a Bunny...

"Soft as a Bunny" is stitching up quickly and without frogging (thus-far!)
I like the color pallet and linen is easy to work with.

The design, though still in its early stages, has met with approval.
"Two ears up!", Bunny says.

Doris Deer appears puzzled by the cross stitch design selection...

And Chip the Munk?  Well I think he is none-to-pleased.

We've been taunted with the specter of "Electricity-less Hours" the last few days, as our cooperative moves the lines from a pole on the creek-bank, to a new pole a top the berm.  Thus far I've not had to become a 19th Century Pioneer, but sometime soon, when they make the transfer, we will be without power for a while.  And I will be glad that the sun is shining...and the situation is temporary!      


  1. Chip the Munk has a very superior air to him. Glad you're enjoying bunny stitching.

  2. Don't we get annoyed when our power is off for even the tiniest bit of time! Have a great day!!

  3. ooo its looking good .. love the photos and hope you aren't off the electric for too long ... love mouse xxxx

  4. Nice WIP! Very pretty. Lovin' Chip the Munk. I hope your electricity stays on!


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