Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Reading List

It's Tuesday, that means it's time for another Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage.

Today I've decided to share three recent "Garden Reads".

"The Dirty Life" by Kristin Kimball is a great read for anyone who frequents a Farmers' Market or participates in a CSA.  Urbanite Kristin Kimball never dreamed that she'd live in rural upstate New York attempting to farm and create a Community Supported Agricultural program.

"The Bucolic Plague" by Josh Kilmer-Purcell is a must read for any fan of David Sedaris...if only for his insights into the business world of Martha Stewart.  Josh and his partner (NY urbanites) buy the 1802 Beekman House in upstate New York (what is it with upstate NY anyway?).  They then attempt to make it a paying proposition much to the detriment of their current careers and personal lives.

Finally, my current read, "This Life is in Your Hands" by Melissa Coleman.  Melissa's parents became neighbors of  Helen and Scott Nearing, well-known American back-to-the-landers, who wrote extensively about their experience living what they termed "the good life".  This book is about the joys and sacrifices involved in living an alternative "back to nature" life in the 1970's.

Well yesterday was the 4th of July and it was Independence Day for the three Barn Swallow babies (sorta').  They all learned to fly yesterday.  Flapping wildly from the back of our house to the gutters in the front of the house and back to their nest in the back of the house...still begging...and still being fed by their parents.  

If last year's example holds true, this behavior will go on for a week or so, the entire group returning to the nest for naps, and in the evening to bed down.  Then one day only the parents will return and begin on Family #2. 

We were United in Happiness on the 4th as we hosted a gathering of 20 family members. It was fun to visit with Michigander cousins and eat good food...the weather was perfect too.  Hope you had a safe and happy 4th as well.       


  1. The Bucolic Plague looks like an entertaining read!

  2. All three sound interesting...I usually just wander around the library until something sounds good...now I have something to look for! Love the new header!!

  3. It's nice to have some good recommendations for summer reading!

  4. I LOVED Bucolic Plague! Have you seen their tv show? It's on Amazon if you don't get that channel. They see like such a nice couple.

    I read the Dirty Life and didn't really like it.

    I'll have to put This Life...on my wishlist - sounds good.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.