Sunday, July 17, 2011

Friday Recap

Today is a gray and rainy day (again)...

But on Friday the weather was perfect!

The Outdoor Cats were happy...

The Violet Green Swallow babies were in evidence...

Dan Quale, I mean Dad Quail was watchful...

As his covey was on the move...

Mr. Evening Grosbeak made an appearance...
(I think we still have two pair on the property) 

The day ended with dinner at Cornucopia...

I wonder how many of the outdoor diners noticed the dog on the balcony above?


  1. The sunshine makes us all feel so much better. You seem to have had similar weather to us, sunny days interspersed with rain.

  2. Great to hear that you are having lovelier weather. The rainy days have left us also -- at least for now. You have a keen eye. I didn't catch the dog in the bigger picture.


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