Monday, June 13, 2011


I'm late, I'm late, I'm late...composing a post anyway.
I was gone all day yesterday, so today's post will be shorter than usual and an abridged version of posts-to-come.

First off, on the stitching front I kitted up a couple of "Smalls" by Dames of the Needle.  I figured they'd be good traveling companions, and I was right.

As I mentioned, I was out of town yesterday.  I traveled with a group from the Avid Gardeners to the Portland, OR area.  We visited two nurseries and a private garden.   

First up was the wholesale nursery Xera Plants.  What a rush to be able to shop wholesale - an amazing selection...

Then to the Germantown area of Portland to visit a remarkable garden.  one word - Wow!

And we finished up by visiting Morris at Joy Creek Nursery in Scappoose, OR.  We had decent weather (no rain!) and a wonderful time.  Nineteen gardeners managed to fill up the under carriage of the bus with their plant purchases.  
I will share the details, and many more pictures in further posts this week.   


  1. These smalls look great. At least the floss toss does. Looking forward to see more of it.

  2. Sounds like you had a good weekend!

  3. oooo love the smalls in your stash :) and glad you had a great time away with the gardeners :) love mouse xxxx

  4. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend


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