Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Last Walk of June

We received 0.4" of rain Monday night, so when I went on a walk Tuesday morning, the skies were still gray, the ground damp, and the air humid. 

I began at the house where I found a large patch of Rabbit Foot Clover (Trifolium arvense) at the edge of our driveway. It grows in waste places, fields, usually in sandy soils, at low elevations which is just where I found it.  It is native to Europe.

With all the moisture on the ground, this small snail was out on a perambulation.

I'm still uncertain as to the correct identification of this blue wildflowers.  For now I'm going with a close relative to Blue Buttons (Cynoglossum grande).  These bloom later and longer than Blue Buttons... 

The Red Columbine (Aquilegia formosa) are still blooming, and I'm finding more and more plants with each walk.

Yellow flowers are difficult to photograph.  I believe this to be Slender Hareleaf (Lagophylla ramosissima).  The flowers of this annual open in evening and close the next morning.  

I found a couple of Western-trumpet Honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa) in different places on my walk - this one, further down the road, was blooming.

This one, along our driveway, is about to explode with blooms. 
Both were in the deep shade of the woods.

We have some Large-leaved Lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus) on our property near the road.

This plant was The Big Surprise!  Several years ago, I stumbled across our native Tiger Lily on a bank along the road.  But I've not seen any in several years now.  So I was most pleased to find this Columbia Lily or Oregon Lily (Lilium columbianum) high up on a bank along side the road.

When I got done with my walk, Chip was on a rock-pile and greeted me with a "Job Well Done!" 
Seize the Day!  Take a Walk! 

1 comment:

  1. Love your pictures. Whenever I try to capture wildlife, they always run away. We had a deer and fawn walk through the other day and by the time I could get my phone out to take a picture they took off.


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