Thursday, June 2, 2011

Indoors and Outdoors

I am pleased to be able to show off some real progress on "Cluck Cluck".  I stitched away like no-body's business last evening.  The chicken is actually stitching up pretty quickly as compared to the more complicated border.

The cool, wet weather continues unabated.  It is hard to remember with the rain, that I must still water all the plants under the eves of the Back Patio, and beneath the Front Porch.  I did take care of that yesterday, and with help, put up my wind chimes and sun catchers too.

On a gray day, the Douglas Fir new growth glows. 

Neither rain nor snow shall stop the Chipmunk from his appointed rounds...

Nor the deer - I love how the grasses are holding droplets of rain...
Click on the photo to enlarge and better see the detail.

The foliage of Bleeding Heart cups droplets too.
At least we are not worried about flooding or severe thunderstorms or tornadoes...just simple, never-ending rain!


  1. Love your rain-kissed photos! Cluck cluck is really looking good,too.

  2. Love your new header . Cluck is really coming on now ,and your wildlife pics are gorgeous as always . X


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